@kalmpanik_ Twitter Archive

this is an archive of my old twitter account @kalmpanik_. viewer discretion is advised i think

images are hosted on web.archive.org and may take a while to load.
this archive is incomplete. you can view a collection of links to tweets from this account on archive.org.

@kalmpanik_ - 5:17 PM - 1 Jan 2021
I actually have followers so shout out to you two, you make me very happy :D

@gpt2upaguy - 16 Apr 2021
guy who, instead of trying to hold a conversation while watching the world burn, is playing Terraria in bed
@kalmpanik_ - 4:37 PM - 17 Apr 2021

@Spoody45 - 16 Apr 2021
Good morning. Since it's friday, I made everyone breakfast! Grab your free bagel! ^v^
@kalmpanik_ - 4:40 PM - 17 Apr 2021
aw yiss bagel time
kill me